Persuasion Articles of the Week

Change State is now available! PRL Subscribers get a handful of bonuses if you buy before Sunday at Midnight… send your receipt my way!
Change State is now available! PRL Subscribers get a handful of bonuses if you buy before Sunday at Midnight… send your receipt my way!

#language #bigidea #socialproof #facebook #manipulation #brainchemicals

Men and Women (Sort of) Speak Two Different Languages

Unless you’re under a rock for the last few years, you’ve maybe noticed the attempt to erase any perceived differences between men and women: “Gender is a social construct!” Yet science seems to continue to find biological differences between the sexes, surprise surprise.

This article discusses how men (in general) tend to discuss big ideas, while women (in general) tend to discuss details. Also, of course, we’re all a bit of the yin and a bit of the yang. ☯

Posted here because big ideas inspire action and brains tend to follow hormones and biochemicals more than social constructs.


Don’t get fooled or conned again — here are the 5 tactics to look out for

Methods used to sway opinion and to persuade.


I Worked on Political Ads at Facebook. They Profit By Manipulating Us.

No kidding?


My new book
Change State: 31 Tools to Change Your Life
is now available at

(You probably wouldn’t like it anyway.)