Rules of Three

The first two set the expectation…

Think fast!

A lawyer, a priest, and a dentist walk into a bar…

Maybe you’ve heard this one before?

The brain has this thing with events that come in 3’s.


Photo “Three” by Julien Belli, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

For example, we think bad luck comes in threes.

We’re relieved when that third thing finally happens… and it wasn’t all so bad after all.

This is one Rule of Three.

There are more tho…

Here’s a few. Continue reading “Rules of Three”

Marketing Adventures with Drayton Bird
(Persuasion Play Podcast 008)

Today on the Persuasion Play Podcast, episode 008…

I welcome a very special guest, Mr. Drayton Bird!

Who is Drayton Bird?

Drayton Bird is an old-school direct marketer and advertiser. He worked along side fellow greats such as Eugene Schwartz and David Ogilvy, who famously claimed that… Continue reading “Marketing Adventures with Drayton Bird (Persuasion Play Podcast 008)”

Program your Brain


Saint Paul


It’s snowing here in Saint Paul.

I used to hate the snow, hate the winter.

And I made sure everyone knew of my misery.

See, I’m kinda always cold.

And while I’m not exactly Mr. Universe, I get plenty of comments that I should add some fat to my bones.

Poor advise from an old joke.

My kids pulling one another in this Winter Wonderland!
My kids pulling one another in this Winter Wonderland!

What I did instead was change my mindset. Continue reading “Program your Brain”

L e t    i t    b r e a t h e . . .


Saint Paul

Image "Newspapers B&W (3)" by Jon S, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
Image “Newspapers B&W (3)” by Jon S, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

*|FNAME|*, when I first started my current full-time job…

(not this copywriting gig I’m crushing on the side…)

I was frustrated by a co-worker’s “Google Chat” methods.

You see,

instead of sending a complete thought,

Continue reading “L e t    i t    b r e a t h e . . .”

Why I didn’t vote for my city’s most pressing issue: Trash Collection

11:15pm Sunday

Saint Paul, Minnesota


Hey there,

This weekend I took my two kids to the library. I was previously unaware, but there was early voting available for Tuesday’s November election.

Photo "CL Society 218: Crossing arms" by Francisco Osorio, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
Voting, like most decisions, is more about emotions than about facts on an unknown future. Photo “CL Society 218: Crossing arms” by
Francisco Osorio, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

“Are you here to vote today?” asked the voting attendant. Continue reading “Why I didn’t vote for my city’s most pressing issue: Trash Collection”

Operating at the Next Level

No B.S. — this guy has been huge.

Saint Paul

I broke a rule and read some email this morning.

(usually I try to skip the email, otherwise I get pulled into a rabbit hole)

I immediately opened a letter from PRL Podcast guest Matt Rizvi.

And what I read… was some sad news. Continue reading “Operating at the Next Level”

The NYTimes changes their narrative

Narratives aren’t fact.

Saint Paul

People love to think humans are persuaded by facts, that we’re rational beings, willing to weight the information in front of us, and even if we don’t like the outcome, we’re willing to change our minds in the face of truth.

Do you blindly weigh the facts available? Photo "Nighttime Jutice" by Rob Kroetz, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
Do you blindly weigh the facts available? Photo “Nighttime Jutice” by Rob Kroetz, Flickr, CC-By-2.0


This pretty much never happens. Emotions… our tribe’s position… and what we want to believe… are far more important to us than boring old facts. Continue reading “The NYTimes changes their narrative”

5 Things to Learn in “Outwitting the Devil” by Napoleon Hill

Andrew Carnegie was a business tycoon in the late 1800s… and the richest

Image "Newspapers B&W (3)" by Jon S, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
Journalist Napoleon Hill asked Andrew Carnegie, “What makes for a successful life?” Image “Newspapers B&W (3)” by Jon S, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

man in America.

During an ‘afternoon interview’ —one that stretched into three days— journalist Napoleon Hill asked Carnegie,

What makes for a successful life?

With a twinkle in his eye, Carnegie invited Hill to research that exact question— Continue reading “5 Things to Learn in “Outwitting the Devil” by Napoleon Hill”

Mirror, mirror, on the wall…

This weekend, many of my experiences seemed to revolve around the ideas of mirrors, mimicry, and imitation. It felt like a convergence of the universe onto this topic, something I like to call…

The Universe is Talking to Me

Mirrors were oce considered supernatural and taboo… Image "Touch" by Katie Tegtmeyer, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
Mirrors were oce considered supernatural and taboo… Image “Touch” by Katie Tegtmeyer, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

Continue reading “Mirror, mirror, on the wall…”